Friday, October 22, 2010

is all about sorry

was a bit clumsy in making decision. indeed HE@ALLAH THE GOVERNER_AL WALI. the one who owns thing and manages them. by the way, istiqamah la baca holy-Quran! be a commited reader of AL-QURAN! to enhance thinking skills. what it has to do with SORRY? many things went wrong when deciding. was a result of poor thinking ability. afwan ya Ukhti! afwan ya Ukhti! by no means to sadden you. i was HIS slave. sometimes, i forget HIM@ALLAH. HE FORGET me too. HE leaves me alone. that's HIS RESPONSE. padan muka ana! wake up! wake up! you never know when is your time to die. sorry buddies. you expect other things i give you other things. mohon maaf para sahabat,teman,geng! was my mistake, weakness. by no means to sadden you my friend.

rabbishrahlii thsadrii wayasirliii amrii wahlul u'qdatammillisa nii yafqahuu qaulii
(QS Tha Ha [20] : 25-28)

insya ALLAH