Wednesday, October 3, 2012

dear fillah

dear fillah

no words to describe
syukur Ya Allah
bring antunna to shine my life

colours of my life
antunna coloured with me

doesn't matter
beutiful or not
I know it's Allah's plan

one year and half
being through this path with antunna
no words to describe thanks
no sign to express love
no gifts to show appreciatiation

it's hard
taaruf is never easy for me
but the power of getting to know antunna
show me the meaning of ukhuwah fillah

thousands of apologise
aseef jiddan
minta ampun
I did hurt antunna's feeling

if I could scream
to all
whoever on earth and in the sky
simbahkan kasih sayang kepada ukhti ______ kepada ukhti _______ kepada ukhti _______
kerana aku sendiri tidak mampu
mungkin shj kasih sayang aku x akan pernah cukup utk membalas curahan kasih mereka selama satu tahun setengah ku di sini

moga kesilapan dan kekhilafanku
diampunkan dan dilupakan ya ukhti
menyerabuti hidupmu dgn kisahku
x cukup sekadar terima kasih
menggembirakan mu mungkin aku sendiri perlu belajar semula secepat mungkin

deep deep deep
I would scream oh Allah
bring happiness to them
spread my thanks and love to them

I would be different in the eyes of them
because they are special in the way they are

how I miss
but to appreaciate the rest
I have to as well

guide me oh Allah